Welcome to DIANNA AGRON HEAVEN, an exclusive and in-depth fansite for the talented actress Dianna Agron. Through her career. Dianna has captured both film and television audiences alike with her strong performances and incredible charm. Our goal is to provide fans with an extensive resource, HQ photos, fan pages and more. We hope you will enjoy the site!
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Posts Tagged ‘build series’
Posted by Sara on January 22, 2019

During her visit at BUILD series last week, Dianna did a gorgeous portrait photoshoot at their studios. I have been waiting for high quality outtakes to appear online, but unfortunately it looks like we will just have to settle for medium quality for the time being – they’re still really stunning! She was photographed in front of both a black and a pink screen, and the result is very pretty. Check out the 5 released portraits in our gallery, and keep checking back as I hope to eventually replace them with HQs! Soon I’ll also share more exclusive old outtakes, but I’m unfortunately still waiting for my computer to be repaired.

Posted by Sara on January 16, 2019

Like we announced yesterday, Dianna was a guest at BUILD Series NYC’s live show to discuss her Café Carlyle return earlier this afternoon! We have been blessed with a big batch of photos already (and I think we can expect even more later on – stay tuned on our twitter account for updates!), both of Dianna arriving at the studio, and of her during the actual show. Her whole interview has also been uploaded to YouTube for those of you who were unable to catch her live – or just want to watch it one more time – and can be viewed in full below. I have also uploaded screencaps for you to our gallery…

Acclaimed actress and singer Dianna Agron returns to Café Carlyle, January 22-February 2. From Marianne Faithfull and Nancy Sinatra to Nico and Peggy Lee, Dianna will be paying tribute to some of finest female-fronted acts of the ‘60s and ‘70s. By way of the hit TV show, “Glee,” selling more than twelve million albums worldwide and tackling two major tours, she is no stranger to the stage. A resident of New York, she is thrilled to bring her voice back to Café Carlyle, something she feels cements her place in the city.

Posted by Sara on January 14, 2019

2019 continues to treat us Dianna fans well, as earlier today it was announced that our girl would guest the live interview series BUILD tomorrow (January 15) to promote her upcoming Café Carlyle run! Her interview will start on 2:00 PM ET, and you can tune in to the livestream on their official website here. If you’re in NYC, you can book your tickets to see her in person for free over here! Whenever celebrities attend the BUILD series, they’re usually heavily photographed both outside and inside the studios, and we’ll also get a long video interview – hopefully containing plenty of information on her upcoming projects. Make sure you stay tuned here at Dianna Agron Heaven and on twitter tomorrow for plenty of new content on our favorite!