Welcome to DIANNA AGRON HEAVEN, an exclusive and in-depth fansite for the talented actress Dianna Agron. Through her career. Dianna has captured both film and television audiences alike with her strong performances and incredible charm. Our goal is to provide fans with an extensive resource, HQ photos, fan pages and more. We hope you will enjoy the site!
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Posted by Sara on February 12, 2021

Hello Dianna fans! You might have noticed our site went offline for a few days, caused by a bad hack/virus which affected every part of our website. I had to clean every folder and every file to make sure the site was safe to be re-uploaded and published, which is why it unfortunately took me several days to have it all fixed. Everything should be in order now, but please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you find any broken links or come across an error message. Both our gallery, video archive, press library & graphics archive have been been fixed, so you should once again have full access to all our Dianna content!

Right before the site crash, I uploaded another big batch of rare outtakes from one of Dianna’s earliest Glee photoshoots! Check them out below. More updates are on the way, including some 2021 candids, The Laureate pics & articles, stay tuned.

Gallery Album link:

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