Welcome to DIANNA AGRON HEAVEN, an exclusive and in-depth fansite for the talented actress Dianna Agron. Through her career. Dianna has captured both film and television audiences alike with her strong performances and incredible charm. Our goal is to provide fans with an extensive resource, HQ photos, fan pages and more. We hope you will enjoy the site!
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Posted by Sara on May 15, 2023

Dianna was recently featured on an online publication of W Magazine, where she discussed both past and current projects – including El Elegido, Clock and Shiva Baby. In addition to the new interview, we also got a stunning new photoshoot of Dianna courtesy of Meghan Marin! This is easily one of my favorite Dianna shoots from the last few years.

Our gallery has been updated with the photoshoot, and you can find links to both the interview and the new video below! Both have been added to our press and video archives. I have also made screen captures from the new video. Enjoy all the new content!

After more than a decade in the spotlight, the former Glee actress has a slew of exciting new roles—and a whole new take on her personal style.

Ryan Murphy’s campy, high school musical dramedy Glee permanently altered the face of pop culture when it first aired on Fox in 2009. As Quinn Fabray, the blonde head cheerleader with a husky contralto singing voice, Dianna Agron turned a character that could have been a one-dimensional mean girl into a sympathetic, layered human being— and left a lasting impression on a generation of television viewers.

At 37, Agron is stepping into the spotlight again—not that she ever left. She’s had a successful string of acting roles in recent years, starting with 2020’s cult favorite, Shiva Baby, which sparked a wave of creativity for Agron and simultaneously introduced her to a whole new audience. Thanks to Glee clips on TikTok and the series’ current streaming status on Hulu, viewers are either discovering her or falling in love with her all over again. | Read the full interview in our press archives

Photoshoots > 2023 > 2023 – Session #002 (W Magazine)
Screen Captures > Interviews > 2023: W Magazine (May)
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