Dianna as Maggie (2023)

Dianna as Unknown (2023)

Dianna as Ella (2023)
My goal has always been not to look forward to the next thing, but to relish and celebrate the successes I have at the moment. Whether it’s landing a part in a student film or having a good day in acting class, I never discredit anything.

- Added May 15, 2023
- Added April 21, 2023
- Added April 12, 2023
- Added March 8, 2022
- Viewed 3695 times
- Viewed 3639 times
- Viewed 3589 times
- Viewed 3307 times
Dianna is a longstanding equality advocate, and she has been very vocal about her support for animal welfare, refugees and LGBT rights. Here we’ll regularly put spotlight on one or more of the projects she has participated in, and the causes she supports.
UNHCR, or the UN Refugee Agency, is a United Nations programme with the mandate to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people, and assist in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country.
Other Organizations/causes:
• 826LA
• United Service Organization
• GLAAD Media Awards
• Time’s Up
… and many more. Check out our full charities page for information on the organizations Dianna supports, as well as detailed information on the projects she has participated in. | Charities Page
• Staff: Sara & Ann – Contact us
• Launched: September 2, 2018
• Follow us: Twitter – Tumblr – Facebook
• Links: Fanscity – Copyright & DMCA
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All graphics and original content belong to diannaagron.net. All images are copyright to the their respective owners, the webmasters claim no ownership and receive no financial gain for this site. This is an unofficial fansite. We have no official affiliation with Dianna Agron or her management.

Headlock isn’t the only upcoming Dianna film we finally have news about this month, today we learned more about “The Laureate” as well! Dianna’s co-star Laura Haddock shared a photo of the production draft/script on her official instagram, and revealed that filming will begin in 3 weeks (November 2018). The film is set to be shot in Ireland, Belgium and England, and the cast include Tom Hughes, Kathy Bates and Derek Jacobi. Stay tuned for more news!
Set against the glamorous backdrop of Britain’s roaring ’20s, The Laureate tells the story of young British War Poet Robert Graves, who is married with four children when he meets and becomes romantically involved with Laura Riding, a writer from America. Defying the conventions of polite society, Riding moves in with Graves and his wife living as a menage a tois. Then with the arrival of strappingly handsome Irish poet Geoffrey Phibbs, the arrangement becomes a menage a quatre. But soon tensions and rivalries become so fraught that Graves is a suspect for attempted murder.