It's a Mall World
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13 short films for American Eagle Outfitters that aired on MTV during THE REAL WORLD: SYDNEY in 2007. Episode 7: Health Scare.
13 short films for American Eagle Outfitters that aired on MTV during THE REAL WORLD: SYDNEY in 2007. Episode 6: Dean Makes a Movie.
13 short films for American Eagle Outfitters that aired on MTV during THE REAL WORLD: SYDNEY in 2007. Episode 4: Best Birthday Ever
13 short films for American Eagle Outfitters that aired on MTV during THE REAL WORLD: SYDNEY in 2007. Episode 3: Harper's Myspace.
13 short films for American Eagle Outfitters that aired on MTV during THE REAL WORLD: SYDNEY in 2007. Episode 1: "Dean The Ladies Man".