Character: Lexi
Directed by: Adam Weissman
Written by: Ethan Banville, Matt Fleckenstein
Episode: Season 4, Episode 6
Original airdate: 12th November 2006
Episode title: The Great Doheny
Genre: Comedy, Family
Running time: 24 Minutes
Other cast: Drake Bell, Josh Peck, Miranda Cosgrove
Josh tries to show a magic trick, but it goes wrong. Drake talks about how to get girls.
Henry Doheny (Steve Tom), a magician that Josh likes but Drake really hates, is at The Premiere. He talks to Josh, and he collapses in the process. Josh presents him and Drake, and then shows Doheny a magic trick. He also tells him that he can visit him anytime.
He eventually does so for lunch, and meets Megan. Henry does a rabbit (named “Cookie”) magic trick to her, and says she can have it. He does a magic trick to Drake too, though he is not interested at all and ends up not liking it.
After, Drake and Josh are getting ready to go to bed, but Doheny gets out of the wardrobe and invites them to hang out at a jazz club. Walter comes in and surprisely meets the magician. He wants to go to the club with him, and Drake refuses to go.
Next day, Drake and his girlfriend Lexi (Dianna Agron) are dating at The Premiere. Drake shows her his “flapping fist noises” and she shows him her “fist in mouth” talent. They are interrupted by Henry, who makes Lexi disappear. Josh goes talk to him. Henry says nobody wants him anymore. Thus, Josh lets him stay with his family for the next months. Drake is now furious. The brothers find Lexi inside the popcorn storing.
It’s night, and Drake is angry at Josh as Henry will sleep at their room. Walter and Henry come in, as Walter is begging for a magic trick. Henry them makes him bald. As he has sleep apnea, Doheny shows Josh his sleep apnea machine that he uses to not snore, though it makes a loud noise. Drake wants to hit him with a baseball bat, which Josh doesn’t let him do.
Next morning, Josh tells Henry he got a show for him, and he accepts. Megan tells him a magic trick that will “bring him back to top”.
Skipping to the show, Drake and Josh presenting Henry and his magic trick, “The Box of Empalement”. He enters the box, and Drake and Josh shove four swords into it. Doheny does not comes out of the box as planned. Dr. Lonsway, who is in the audience, sees him and says he’s dead. At the funeral, Doheny suddenly appears on the stage, saying it was just a magic trick, and is happy as he became famous again. He later arrives back at the house to say goodbye to the boys and gives Megan a check for $50,00 and Yo-Yo’s for the boys. Before he goes Walter asks if he can’t give his hair back, Henry agrees but leaves before he can even do the trick. He shouts from his car to buy a wig as he drives off. (Source)