Fell Down The Rabbit Hole
In 2009, Dianna created her own tumblr blog titled “Fell Down The Rabbit Hole”. There she posted photographs, playlists she made up of her favourite bands, books she’s read and musings on art and culture. The tumblr is now deactivated, but it has been archived by a fan at Dianna’s Archive. Her final post reads:
Dear Tumblr. I think it’s time to lay you to rest. A lovely friend you’ve been. Thank you friends for following the journey. But as an old chapter closes, a new chapter begins. X Di
You, Me & Charlie
Late 2011, Dianna launched the website You, Me & Charlie. “I came to realize that passing on positive images, new music, book recommendations and more, that it was something people really responded to. It became another creative outlet, and something to share. I realized I wanted a forum for us all to be able to do that interchangeably, to encourage love, creativity and inspiration.” She already had the tumblr “Felldowntherabbithole”, which she since 2009 had used to share bits from her life and adventures, inspirational quotes and photos, music, and other creative things. When asked by Refinery in 2012 (READ) about what the difference between the new website and the tumblr would be, Dianna replied “It’s simply bigger. More inclusive, and easier to navigate. Also, it is a culmination of us all…which is why I called it You Me & Charlie….Charlie, being the space in which we share…”. The website closed down in 2015.

In Dianna’s words: “You might wonder, what is www.YOUME&CHARLIE.com? Well. There is that little blog of mine, which started out as
an artistic retreat while traveling in Australia to promote the show. Any of you that followed [felldowntherabbithole] were privy to pictures I was taking, music I was listening to, books I was reading. Due to your enjoyment, and your want to be involved, over the past couple of years I have received the most amazing mixtapes, books, photos…all from you! You were sharing the things that drove you artistically, because I was doing the same. It touched me and still does to this day, every time.
Because of this, I wanted to turn the little blog into something slightly larger. This is a space for YOU and ME. Our space is….CHARLIE. Again, if you followed the blog, you know that the header reads, [Dianna Agron, but you can call me Charlie.] I guess I have never really felt like a Dianna. I suppose that is because my friends and family all call me Di, babe, kitty, lamb, all those special nicknames that only your loved ones could possibly coin. I didn’t realize it at first, but it seems as if I had taken a liking to the name Charlie for longer than I can remember!
Upon looking back at old school papers, stories I wrote, screenplays, you name it, I have always used the name Charlie as one of the main or ancillary characters. About five years ago, a psychic came up to me as I was walking down the street and said a few things to me, one of them being, “You have someone named Charlie that looks out for you.” I didn’t know what she was talking about, I don’t know anyone by the name of Charlie. Much later, I starting looking at old papers, found the name here and there, and thought of that psychic. I joked to myself that perhaps, I was a man named Charlie in a past life?? Then, in Scotland last year for the holidays, another psychic told me that, “Someone by the name of Charlie holds a very special place in my life.” How could I ignore all of this?
All of you lovely, magick, wonders of this world, the ones that correspond with me in such unbelievable ways…this is for you. Without the arts I would not wake up each morning with the joie de vivre that encompasses my entire being. I would feel flat as a pancake. Because of the work I do, I get to hear some of the most moving stories, moments of your life…things I am grateful to hear from you, share with you. It blows my mind, each and every time. To know that the show I’m on helps so many people get through hard moments in their life? To hear that people like seeing what I’m going to post and often discover new artists? I never could have dreamed how lucky I would be, as I am, today. I want you to join me now. Let’s share this space as an art collective. There’s enough negativity in this world to smother all of us into a state of infinite sadness. Why not counter that? That’s what this site is for. I hope it just does that.
Thank you all for your constant love and support. Thank you for embracing the moments where you can simply LET LOVE IN and BE LOVE.
xx Dianna, although sometimes I’d like to say, Charlie.”