Hello Dianna fans! Today I started working on our Glee pages, which was until now the only career related project of Dianna’s which didn’t have its own page with information yet. Since this was the show that rocketed Dianna to fame, I wanted to make it a big section rather than just a page with information. Because of this, it’s going to take me a while to complete all of it, but I’ve gotten quite a few pages up and running today. The section contains a show page, where you can learn about the background of the show, find information on the promotional work Dianna did for it, read quotes and trivia, find photos, videos and much more. I have also started a Quinn page (which will be extended a lot soon), where you can learn more about the character Dianna played. In addition to the Glee pages, you can now also read about the 3D Concert Movie and “The Glee Project”, as both have been given their individual sub-pages.
The biggest update, however, is probably the episode guide. Since I’ve decided to collect detailed information on every episode (including typing up Dianna’s lines and make icons from each – for this reason, our iconvault today has 100+ new additions), this will be a work-in-progress for some time. I have completed the first twelve episodes of the first season today, and I hope you’ll find them interesting, as well as easy to navigate! The rest of the episodes will follow soon, and I will also extend the pages with more content in time. If there’s anything you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to email or tweet me a request!